Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Throw it awayyyyyy....

management.notes.umbrella.Linkin .msn.Naushad.shame.
India Pakistan match.Dhoni.Dohn.live music.beyonce.
ass.jay Z.sir Khurram. Emergencey. ban on Geo.
unemployment. trains. Rawal pindi. mosquitoes.
bites.love making. nights. beds. condoms.university.
beggers. chic.cafe. tea. Rehmat. process management.
lime wire.guitar.pa.cheque. forms. teasing. saturday. presentation. marks. friends. cafe. coke. pesticides.
ban in India. India. Pakistan. Emergency. Musharraf.
president. Islamabad. Chak Shehzad. taxis. daman-e-koh.
fight. insane.Aamir Khan. Media. Department of Criminology.
Crime. Sanjay Dutt. Coffee. Malaika. legs. bleeding. Frustrations.love.jealousy.salimahabad .books.nani.bus.Rehmat. walking. Johny Walker.Walkman. MP3 player.expensive. camera. photography. serena.Islamabad.mornings.birds.PETA.Mukta.wit.boy friend. shopping.Mumbai. Pani puri. Sea. walk on beach. love making. me. you. love. relationship.cars.loans.cultus.city.alto.
Throwing goes on n on n on.......


eLiXir said...

too much to throw away?

M said...

I dont know why on how i stumbled upon this.

This wraps up a small phase of your life. Its like lookin into a cardboard box of your life marked, ....

Well, i leave the title to you. For some reason i like this post. I did this alot few years ago.

p.s i dont think i'll be able to find my way back here again.