Friday, September 17, 2010

Temme how?

How do you





Tazeen said...

Who? me?

Hmm... I don't really need to distinguish myself. It's too clear.

WritingsForLife said...

By being yourself.

Closed eyes... said...

^ Exactly.

Blah. said...

do I need to? *:)*

Anonymous said...

You cannot distinguish yourself.

Noor Ali said...

My old anonymous friend!

Anonymous said...

Oh, nope, wrong.

Noor Ali said...

Then who?

Are you just embarrassed for something?

Anonymous said...

I've never posted until tonight. I am not embarrassed. These are just words. Why so curious?

Noor Ali said...

Tonight? Now that makes me curious.

Who are you.

Unknown said...

We've never met, but my family has told me a bit about you. Anila is my cousin-in-law. Came across your blog, found it to be quite interesting.

Noor Ali said...

Oh, Nazish! Alright I know you (:

Ignore my earlier suspicion yea, too many anonymous comments on my blog lately. Some lost friends trying to catch up whats happening in my life but shying away from their identity.

Your 'quite interesting' needs some explanation!!

Unknown said...

What explanation is needed? Your blog caught my attention, and that's that.