Tuesday, May 20, 2008

glass walls

Calls have gone so cheap. Talk at RS. 2.5/hour!! So many social communities available on the internet. Orkut, Facebook, Myspace... The virtual world enables you to see who is at the farther end and gives you a chance to interact. But does it in anyway lessen the distance between us? Does it in anyway melt those glass walls that surround us? Glass walls.. you can see who is at the other side, you can animate, but what about something bigger? Is it really necessary to melt those walls? This virtual world is certainly lengthening the list of our acquaintances but what about something bigger? What about knowing and more importantly understanding people? Is it important to understand people?

And what about melting those glass walls?



Anonymous said...

very good point, beautifully put =)

Unknown said...

Every post shows us 'a ray of light' .. =)