Thursday, May 23, 2013

His willingness to put trust in people, his extraordinary sense of hope… or perhaps I should say, everything that is about him, can be explained by the extent and manner in which he has suffered over the years. Paradoxes, beliefs so fluid that lasting mutilation is improbable… they always get back to where and how they belong. For him, being trusting is as, if not more important than being trustworthy, and being loving is as desirable as being lovable.

Do you know how it feels when a mother gets slapped right in front of your eyes? Your mother.  And as she comes closer you can see those finger marks on her face... a sight that cuts through, humiliating you in a way that you almost become numb. Deadened. Emotionally so charged but thoughts completely anesthetized. And then the sweltering tears burn on your skin for years and years to come. 

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