Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I don't want to be "The Superior..."

Every morning, as the clock ticks 11 00 , we all rush to the cafe.. our own department's. It's quite amazing.. the cafe of "The department of Food Sciences" has the lowest standards of hygiene and what should be called "proper handling"... but as we all are habitual of limping chairs, compassionate flies, neem trees and rancid food... we just can't get enough of eating...
But...!! Our daily visit isn't confined to eating at all... we are addicted to discussions and debates.. [I hate the latter]... Prof. Mahmood's infinte absence from class, Mr. Feroz's natural jhukaao towards girls.. yup! "jhukaao" is The word, Lab reports and theories... how unfair our education system is... Pakistan's performance in last night's match, what's wrong "with him" and this him changes everyday...

To be Continued...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Girls...! No matter from where our discussions start.. they always end up where long hair, big eyes and curves are... is that normal??

I'm usually very dynamic and vibrant in these discussions.. they are fun. I mean you stare at a girl, try to see everything that's visible, visualize things that could 've been visible.. I love cursing our cricket team, I'm arguably the most ferocious commentor on professors...I'm the One who insists "Guys, lets do something adventrous"... Inshort, any discussion which relates to fun.. I just jump into it without a second thought...

But, when things begin to get darker, when sensitive but serious issues arise.. I'm quiet. It's not becuase I 've nothing much to say, but my views are somewhat different... and I don't want to lose good friends.. *smiles..*

They say Men are superior to Women.. I think and believe, nothing is more beautiful in this very world then her [her symbolizes womanhood]...

and more than that I believe Men are bastards...[I want the count to start from me]...

To be continued...

Tuesday, 17th April, 2007

I have way too many friends than my family actually thinks I 've.. I enjoy them but I guess my flight is too high for them..or may be my direction is different or may be the aim is..

Jo bhi ho, I don't want to feel superior.. I'm quite ordinary.. I want to meet ordinary people more.. m tired of greeting gentlemen.. I don't want to discuss politics anymore, nor girls, my future, Pakistan's future..

Can anyone show me some ordinary people??


eLiXir said...

means when u have a good fight with them

eLiXir said...

B&P is bollywood version of P&P which is Pride and Prejudice. Its a good read.. better then B&P.

n yes.. B&P was a real colourful drama

n no.. I didnt went to REC.. was sick and I called someone to visit me

eLiXir said...

I'll wait to read further. This indeed looked like a promising entry!

Noor Ali said...

but i m egoistic right??

m not a bastard?? *amazed*.. then i m?

KJ said...

Random ramblings of a strange mind would have been a better subject line..

Anyways.. Nice attempt to give an insight of your routine..