I consulted a palmist few months back. Not because I really believe in palmistry but merely because she was pretty. Exploration. Search. Uncertainty. This is what she read. She predicted my life to swing between things. Predicted high chances of me being into gambling. Predicted multiple affairs. Predicted life threatening accident-s. Predicted restlessness, all through.
I accept it. Restless is who I'm. But I feel that a woman's love can calm me down. I really feel this way. I've always been amazed by the way a woman can love. The intensity only a woman can generate should nullify all my uncertainties and allow me to stand still. Even for some vacant moments.
Saturday, June 28th, 2008
1:48 AM
This man is AMAZING !!
i wonder about that. Whether I'll actually ever be content. Whether love is something that could bring peace.
Lovely writing =)
Lol. Your writing tells me you're one of the few percentage that prompts me to give some men the benefit of doubt, instead of automatically assuming the worst. =)
'Pugnacious'?! Pugnacious is not a pretty or attractive word =P seriously, i dont think i am...unless provoked *bares teeth* =P
Lol, naii, got done with them in June...am just lethargic as hell, and a lil busy preparing for this event thing in the end of july...what about u? dont tell me you have exams in THIS weather?! =O
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