"Solitude is essentially a matter of pride; you bury yourself in your own scent. The issue is the same for all real poets. If you've been happy for too long, you become banal. By the same token, if you've been unhappy for a long time, you lose your poetic power...Happiness and poverty can only coexist for the briefest time. Afterword either happiness coarsens the poet or the poem is so true it destroys his happiness."
Orhan Pamuk
Image: Marinshe
Love the author and the quote. Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you for hilighting this quote, i read Orhan in your recommendations, and wondered if i'll check it out someday.
I've made my mind. :)
Good blog you have here, I'll drop by soon.
@Minya: Yes, you should definitely read Orhan Pamuk. I would recommend you start with his 'My Name is Red'
and thank you for your kind words (:
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