Friday, July 04, 2008


Only once in a while, comes a movie which actually makes you sit down and think. Not only it keeps you glued to the screen during its run-time but even when its over, it keeps on flashing in your mind. Only something soulful and original can have such kind of impact.

Aamir, indeed is a fantastic movie. Its extremely real in its core. A classic onscreen reflection of the mind boggling, hard hitting and ever changing lives we live. The execution of the plot is so spot on that the situations keep on unfolding and you don't even realize when it reaches its finale. The protagonist is not an alien or an NRI [Like Yashraj or Karan Johar Movies] coming to the world we live in and you can easily identify with him. Supporting characters are exceptionally real and look familiar as well.

Rajeev Khandelwal is sensational! I 've never seen his TV serials but surely he makes his mark big time on the big screen. He gets into the skin of his character deftly and comes out victorious. The way he delivers his dialogues and emotes with his eyes stamps on the fact that he knows his craft well and is one to watch out for in days to come.

Special mention to the background score!

All in all, Aamir is a remarkable movie. The climax left me static and speechless. But a must-see if you ask me!

Rating: 8.5/10

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